With its emphasis on Jesus’ command to “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” nowhere is Ascension’s identifying statement, “A Community of Grace, Called to Serve” more evident than its generous support of the Board of Social Outreach (BOSO). As the 3rd largest church budget (after staff salaries, property & grounds), the Board of Social Outreach supports a variety of causes and organizations throughout Colorado Springs, the U.S., and the world.
In addition to financial support, BOSO also works to raise awareness for various causes throughout the year such as Family Promise, ELCA World Hunger Offering, the annual CROP Hunger Walk, Thrivent Builds, and the ELCA’s “God’s Work. Our Hands.” BOSO believes firmly in the need to not just provide financial support, but also to provide the church family as a whole with opportunities to become actively and physically involved in the lives of those in need. It is through these types of active participation projects that the barriers that so often separate us can be minimized. Breaking down those barriers allows us to do away with “us and them” thinking in regards to those in need, and instead, gives us a perspective of “we.” It allows us to be intentional about loving our neighbors as ourselves.
In 2020, Ascension Lutheran will be supporting these causes/organizations:

Lutheran World Relief
A non-profit organization that works with local partners to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering.
Ascension's Free Pantry
Ascension’s Free Pantry is located outside of the building in front of the Children’s Learning Center (CLC). It holds several shelves of non-perishable food for families of the CLC, the church and surrounding community.
Handmade Heartfelt Cards
Pikes Peak Academy
Provides a highly personalized, Christ-centered alternative high school to help struggling students complete their diploma while learning the critical life skills needed to build their confidence and renew their hope.
A faith-based organization serving people with intellectual disabilities. We believe that every individual is a person of worth. Together Mosaic staff members, volunteers and the people we support work as partners.
Lutheran Family Services
A faith based, non-profit human service agency helping children and families during their most challenging times. We have been committed to serving all people, regardless of race, religion, gender or age since 1948.
KPC Respite Center (Operated by LFS)
Located across the street from Ascension, KPC offers temporary crisis and planned childcare for infants and young children at no cost to parents or guardians. This program has been open to families since 2004 and has provided hundreds of families with relief and support.
Mercy’s Gate
Began 30 years ago as a food pantry called Northern Churches Care. Our mission was to join together to love our neighbors in Colorado Springs by helping with their physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual needs. Every week, through our member churches and faithful volunteers and staff, we provide much-needed food, clothing, help with utilities and rent, medical assistance . . . and most importantly, spiritual care and emotional support.
ELCA World Hunger
Working with and through our congregations, in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Lutheran churches overseas and other partners, ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need. From health clinics to microloans, water wells to animal husbandry, community meals to advocacy, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger make it possible for the ELCA to respond, supporting sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty.
ELCA/Synod Benevolence
A fund to help meet benevolence needs at the denominational level.
Family Promise (Interfaith Hospitality Network)
Interfaith Hospitality Network derives its name from its numerous partnerships with area congregations that provide shelter and direct support to homeless families; the network includes congregations of diverse faiths and denominations. As a part of the larger Family Promise organization, IHN provides services to all families with children regardless of personal religious beliefs.
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp (ELCA)
A year round ministry that offers an extensive summer camping program including on-site programs for all ages as well as Compass Points outdoor adventure program for Junior High and Senior High youth, and Bridging Borders mission trips designed for Senior High youth. In addition, Rainbow Trail offers retreating opportunities for the other nine months of the year including sponsored confirmation retreats, men’s Fly Fishing retreats, church worker training events, and family weekends amongst other retreat opportunities.
Thrivent Builds
Thrivent Builds is a financial, volunteer and advocacy partnership between Thrivent Financial® and Habitat for Humanity® International.
SET Family Medical Clinics
The "Safety Net" that fills the gaps in the health care system. SET is a nonprofit medical clinic providing care to the uninsured, under-insured, homeless and Medicaid populations in our community.