2/19/17 – Ruined Righteousness

Posted on February 20, 2017 | Posted by Pastor Daniel
Pastor Daniel’s sermon for February 19, 2017 on Luke 7:36-50
Praise be to God, that our God is Jesus, and not Simon. Praise be to God that the Holy Judge over us considers not our treasury of righteousness, no matter how lacking. Praise be to God that the Holy Judge considers not our blemishes and debts and sins, no matter how much they might ruin things. No matter how much we might ruin things. Praise be to God that we are invited right up into God’s presence, right into heaven, right up to this table, with no qualifications save, perhaps, for a little bit of water dripping from our forehead. Praise be to God that our God took a look at the vast treasury of righteousness and decided the right place for it was a cross.