Beneath the Cross – Lent at Ascension

Posted on February 28, 2017 | Posted by Pastor Daniel
The life of faith is one of the cross and the empty tomb. Without the empty tomb, the cross leads to despair. But, as happens all too often in our thinking, without the cross the empty tomb leads to sentimentality. Join us this Lent as we consider the life of faith beneath the cross of Jesus.
On Ash Wednesday, March 1, you are invited to worship to receive an imposition of ashes and holy communion at noon or 7pm. Our weekly Lenten services begin on March 8. Potluck soup supper start at 6pm (bring a soup or side to share) and the Holden Evening Prayer Service is at 7pm.
March 1: Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Pastor Dan Holt preaching
Worship with Imposition of ashes and Holy Communion at noon and 7pm
March 8: Immortality is already ours?
Pastor Daniel Smith preaching
Soup Supper at 6pm
Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm
March 15: A Grasping after Life.
Pastor Dan Holt preaching
Soup Supper at 6pm
Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm
March 22: Finding Spiritual Life
Team Stretch presenting
Soup Supper at 6pm
Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm
March 29: Living Well nearing the End
Pastor Karen Matuska preaching
Soup Supper at 6pm
Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm
April 5: Making a Good End.
Tom Vien, Colorado Springs Funeral Services presenting
Soup Supper at 6pm
Holden Evening Prayer at 7pm